Sunday, October 7, 2007


“Teach your children credit responsibility while playing the game.” Such is the uber-current pitch of the Monopoly Electronic Banking Edition. No need to consult The Street or the Fed: This decidedly millennial transactional “game” illuminates the state of the American economy with more guts and accuracy than CNBC, Bernanke, and the Wall Street Journal combined.

Monopoly has since 1935 been popular in that kid-tested, parent-approved way. It’s a fun game, of course, but on top of that it’s allowed children a glimpse at money in all its facets: investing, spending, saving, earning, risk-taking, and leveraging. Kids were receptive to these lessons in currency because they could touch the money, they could see it grow and dwindle, they felt the bittersweetness of handing it over in exchange for hotels or property.

Now, with the Electronic Banking Edition, kids will be infected with the disease that has crippled our household budgets and asphyxiated our national economy. People - kids and adults - benefit from experiencing money. When we spend, we need to access our senses. We need to hear the shuffle of paper as we count; we need to visualize the difference between having and not having - and no swipe of a card can suffice.

Money means something different today than it did a few years ago. “Affording” something is determined by whether a machine will accept a transaction; this mentality has resulted in a nation of robotic card-carriers poised for the next swipe.

The Monopoly promo says it best: The game “capitalizes on today’s trend of a cashless society.” And that’s what I call morally bankrupt.


O'Reilly "Gone Too Far" Again?

People yearn to be offended by Bill O’Reilly, who is in reality the most even-keeled, politically correct commentator out there. Indeed, I’m not an O’Reilly fan precisely because he is obscenely open-minded. I can’t explain the vitriol against him, except that it’s maybe an instance of inertia: O’Reilly made one or two brash remarks years ago, and the gravy train keeps chugging along the rusted tracks of irrational Bill-bashing.

If blacks, liberals, and wrought-with-guilt whites would actually listen to O’Reilly’s much-maligned praise of a Harlem restaurant, they would nominate him for president of the NAACP! Supposedly egregious was his claim that diversity “is what this society is all about now here in the USA. There’s no difference. There’s no difference.”

That sounds like the exact message of the black-is-beautiful lobby. Nobody can legitimately hear racism in O’Reilly’s “we’re all the same” comment.

Most striking is that there are so many more commentators who would really offend - people are just too occupied pretending to be offended by O’Reilly. Bill’s offensiveness is child’s play compared to John Gibson, Michael Savage, Neil Boortz, and John Stossil. And, of course, me.


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Why Have 'Em if You Won't Raise 'Em?

Our scared-silly society robotically recites a litany of kid-killers, among which are attention deficit, profanity exposure, and injected chicken. While everyone’s in a tizzy about childhood inactivity and environmental meltdown, we’re ignoring the true source of danger to kids. And that is daycare.It’s been a busy month for crappy childcare providers. In a Los Angeles facility, police found 14 kilograms of cocaine, 50 pounds of marijuana, and enough guns to arm the Laotian military. All this contraband was located in a toy chest. Among baby dolls and G.I. Joe’s were guns and drugs, and all anyone seems inclined to care about is whether the dolls’ arms were made of lead.

But that’s not all, folks:

A Tennessee nursery was condemned after a 4-month old infant was discovered with a pacifier taped into his mouth.

A Nashville daycare lost a 5-month old. Firefighters later found the baby after ransacking the building to look for him.

A childcare facility in Texas has been closed after parents found thumbtack injuries on their kids’ bodies. Apparently, this daycare took disclipine very seriously.
All of this since September 1.

Preemptively: Some parents do these things too; it’s not just daycare workers who harm kids. I want to be very clear on that point, because that is the predictable comeback I get when I talk about daycare dangers. Also: I agree that the majority of kids in daycare aren’t lost or raped or punctured with thumbtacks. Certainly most kids in daycare don’t share their toy boxes with guns and narcotics. This is usually the second comeback I get.

Admittedly, I’m not overly concerned with the above instances of physical abuse in childcare facilities. But it’s these tangibles examples I repeat because they so neatly counter and complement the apocalyptic concerns about silly things like SPF and acid rain. A child shouldn’t be raised in a daycare not so much because there’s a risk of physical harm, but because it’s just not right. While kids can certainly benefit from sunblock and toxin-free paint, they thrive when they’re raised by their parents. Whole grains make for a healthy heart; Mommy makes for a full heart.

No amount of organic blueberries or sunscreen or Baby Einstein-type reinforcements will ever reach the good we can do by simply raising our own children.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


If you have chosen to live within your means, you’ll soon be punished for your practical spending habits. The House just passed the “bailout bill,” which ostensibly will save the country from an apocryphal financial crisis. The actual purpose of massive homeower bailouts, though, is to further socialize the U.S.

There appears to be no point in living reasonably and within one’s means. Sky-high taxes have choked the incentive, and now the government is actually implementing a punishment for those who practice personal economic restraint. Why should anyone save for a down payment when banks hand out loans with zero-down? Why purchase a house you can afford when banks don’t verify income? And now: Why make timely mortgage payments when the government will happily pay that loan for you?

If you will go to work tomorrow and drink your home-brewed Folgers in your well-worn car, save your overtime pay, and watch tv on your decade-old televison, the American government has something to say to you: You are a fool.

This is America, and the government only rewards $4 Starbucks, financed-all-to-hell gigantic trucks, maxed-out credit cards, and 70″ plasmas.

If you are sick of feeling like a fool, visit


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Did John Edwards Refer Osama to His Hair Stylist?

The Democrats would have an unmatched spokesman, if only they would recognize their solidarity with Osama bin Laden. Like a dripping faucet bin Laden spouted all the liberal talking points, flagellating America for capitalism, berating corporations, and demanding an end to the Iraq war. He even blamed the U.S. for so-called global warming!

At least Osama admits that he is an enemy of this country.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Upsetting the Apple Cart

I’ve known for a while that Apple-enthusiasts are an odd sort. Users are cult-like in their pursuit of all things Mac, and there’s a definite sentiment that “once you go Mac, you never go back.” Weird as these Macsters are presumed to be, I had no idea that they’re oblivious to supply-and-demand reality.

Macsters who 3 months ago happily paid for the coveted iPhone are now in hysterics about the recently reduced price. They’re in such a tizzy, in fact, that Apple has offered a $100 credit to anyone who paid the original price. From customers’ anger to Apple’s rebate, I’m confused by this entire situation. Every product on earth, it seems, cost more when it is released than it does at any other time. This effect is especially pronounced for techie merchandise. Gadgets are by their nature ephemeral and subject to becoming almost immediately obsolete. The iPhone is of course far from being out-of-style, but it certainly doesn’t hold the same appeal as it did when it was released. Naturally, then, the price should decrease in accordance with demand.

Evidently, Macsters believe that their loyalty exempts them from this basic principle of business. And shockingly, they are apparently correct.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ron Paul 2008

In a drastic departure from my aversion to hands-on politics, I actually like one of the presidential candidates. It’s official: I endorse Ron Paul.

He kicked major Republican rear on last night’s debate, winning 33% of the vote. In a debate split eight ways that’s a mighty strong lead, especially considering that he got twice the votes than did the runner-up. Most impressively, last week’s polls showed him with only 3% support among Republicans. Apparently he simply was not on the national radar, and now, after brilliantly showcasing his Libertarian aspirations, he is!

Paul is old-school Republican, eschewing neo-con “values” in favor of hallmark live-and-let-live conservativism. Following are highlights of his platform: I respect his vow to shut down the CIA and the Department of Education. It’s remarkable that in the era of No Child Left Behind and whiny teachers, Paul supports home-schooling as the ultimate mark of American freedom. Other candidates plan to implement regulations that would effectively choke home-schooling, while Paul will give tax credits to parents who educate their own kids.

Best of all, he will eliminate the IRS! ‘Nuff said.


Love Ron, But I Gotta Hand it to Fred...

I love that you can’t put Fred Thompson in a box. He defies categorization, and that’s a welcome change from the cookie-cutter politicians we’re used to. Though Ron Paul emerged as last night’s debate winner, I wonder if the real winner may have been Thompson. The first question of the debate centered on his absence, and the candidates mentioned him several times during the evening. It was his absence which set him apart and made him memorable beyond what he would have been had he been predictable and shown up. Adding to the intrigue of his absence was a 30-second ad during the debate. The ad set off his absence, framing it as thought-out and establishing him as a dynamic, provocative president-in-the-making.


Doggone It!

With the implementation of its newest law, Texas has firmly cemented its reputation for tough-as-nails justice. As of September 1 the “Attack by Dog” statute went into effect, mandating a prison sentence of at least 2 years and up to 20 years for any Texan whose dog seriously harms or kills someone. This law is the final proof that America is disillusioned about what it means to own a dog.

Americans carry on a perplexing love affair with their dogs. The animals are viewed as so much more than what they are - cute and cuddly and comforting; instead, they are considered family members. Just yesterday, in fact, my dentist balked at the mention of grandkids, noting that Rover and Spot are the only grandkids he’ll ever need. I even have a friend who put on a $600 birthday bash for her pooch! Alarmingly, that party was probably low-key in comparison to the fetes available on the dozens of websites dedicated to dog celebrations. I had never heard of a “pup party planner” until my google search, but apparently it has emerged as a lucrative position. And don’t forget those dog emporiums like PetSmart, and wherever it is that people buy those jeweled collars and tailored “clothes” - all for Fido!

This canine fetish is exactly the mentality which led to the passing of the Texas law. As much as people want to believe otherwise, dogs are not household members. Their actions can’t be predicted and controlled and accounted for the way a person’s can. And no matter how many “behavior modification therapy sessions” or “finishing school” classes your dog attends, you can never trust them. (By the way, there really are such services available to your dog.)

The Texas legislature appears to suggest that with appropriate human responsibility, dogs can be fully integrated into society as safe and predictable members of our communities. Ridiculous!
